With API access grant to the Fitzwilliam Museum collection by Dan Pett, I was able to spend a few hours yesterday evening writing a script to query relevant terracotta objects produced in Athens from the database. Loading these into OpenRefine, I eliminated object types that are not vases (e.g., figurines or architectural fragments), which resulted in a total of about 700 objects from the Fitzwilliam integrated into Kerameikos.org's SPARQL endpoint for query and visualization.
The Fitzwilliam Museum page on Kerameikos |
The various concepts used in cataloging the Fitz collection were reconciled in OpenRefine to Kerameikos URIs, and like the British Museum data, more than 60 findspots were aligned with Wikidata.org URIs, making it possible to visualize the geographic distribution of relevant concepts.
The "Objects of the Typology" section of each page only shows those items with photographs, but the geographic and distribution analyses include all relevant objects. Eventually, I will implement CSV exports for data so that they can be more easily reused in other platforms.
A quick analysis of the Fitzwilliam's collection shows Black-figure lekythoi are prominent compared to other Black and Red-figure objects.
See results here. |
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