Friday, October 25, 2019

Linked Art data harvesting and aligning to ARIADNE for archaeological context

As mentioned in the related numismatic blog post, First pass at processing Linked Art JSON-LD to Nomisma RDF, and the slides presented by the Smithsonian's Adam Soroka on my behalf at the Linked Art showcase last month at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, Linked Art JSON-LD harvesting is now functional in the back-end. Built around test data provided by Sami Norling at the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields and supplemented with some additional properties and Getty URIs, JSON-LD is processed by the XForms engine in Orbeon (which powers both the Nomisma and Kerameikos frameworks). Getty vocabulary URIs are mapped to applicable Kerameikos ones, and the JSON-LD is distilled into its essential graph form as RDF/XML and posted into the Kerameikos SPARQL endpoint.

For each JSON-LD GET operation, the following three tasks are initiated:

Automatic reconciliation of URIs to Kerameikos

Distinct entities related to each vase (shapes, materials, styles, techniques, artists, production places, etc.) are aggregated into a list. A SPARQL query is executed for each one (that isn't already a Kerameikos URI) in order to get the equivalent Kerameikos URI via skos:exactMatch. These mappings are stored so that SPARQL queries do not need to be executed multiple times for the same URI.

Normalizing findspot URIs to Wikidata entities

URIs for findspots, following the proposed ARIADNE Plus data model (more details below), which can be Geonames, Pleiades, Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names, Ordnance Survey, and Wikidata, are queried in the Kerameikos endpoint to see if they have already been normalized and harvested. If not, then a SPARQL query is sent to the endpoint in order to find the related Wikidata Q entity for the gazetteer URI. The Wikidata entity URI therefore serves as the primary URI scheme for findspots, regardless of which gazetteer a dataset may use locally. The SPARQL query will also gather the skos:exactMatch URIs from the Getty TGN, Pleiades, Ordnance Survey, and Geonames, when available, and extract latitudes and longitudes.

  ?place a skos:Concept; 
       skos:prefLabel ?placeLabel;
           skos:exactMatch ?osgeo;
           skos:exactMatch ?tgn;
           skos:exactMatch ?geonames ;
           skos:exactMatch ?pleiades ;
           dct:coverage ?coord .
  ?place wdt:P1667 "7015539" . #TGN ID for Vulci
  OPTIONAL {?place wdt:P3120 ?osgeoid .
   BIND (uri(concat("", ?osgeoid)) as ?osgeo)}
  OPTIONAL {?place wdt:P1667 ?tgnid .
   BIND (uri(concat("", ?tgnid)) as ?tgn)}
  OPTIONAL {?place wdt:P1566 ?geonamesid .
   BIND (uri(concat("", ?geonamesid, "/")) as ?geonames)}
  OPTIONAL {?place wdt:P1584 ?pleiadesid .
   BIND (uri(concat("", ?pleiadesid)) as ?pleiades)}
  OPTIONAL {?place p:P625/ps:P625 ?coord}
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
 bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en"

Furthermore, a second SPARQL query is sent to Wikidata to get the geographic hierarchy and ingest simple RDF for these places as well. This makes it possible to query for all vases found in Lazio regardless of whether they have been linked directly to Vulci or Veii. Note: this hierarchy is based on modern administrative divisions, not historical boundaries (Vulci and Veii are historically in Etruria). It might be possible to use a combination of deposit date and place to derive a historical region once projects like the World-Historical Gazetteer become more developed with regard to both time and space.


After performing pre-processing URI reconciliation tasks, each Human-Made Object in the JSON response will be processed into RDF/XML. Much of the cruft that aids developers in creating human-readable interfaces will be eliminated, such as labels for entities and other sorts of textual statements. Date-times are converted into xsd:gYear. Relevant Getty (or other) URIs are mapped to Kerameikos URIs that have been created so far. Measurements are converted to metric. In order to better conform to the way in which pottery specialists model and query information, several classifications are mapped into pottery-specific RDF properties rather than following the Linked Art CIDOC CRM profile explicitly. The Kerameikos model is nearly identical to Linked Art, however, with the exception of the use of kon:hasShape (instead of a generic crm:P2_has_type for an object type) and kon:hasStyle instead of a artistic genre of a Visual Item.

A final product (still a prototype, as the Linked Art data model is still evolving) can be seen here.

Joining Linked Art and ARIADNE

Many vases in museums that have provenance include a citation to the place/site name alone with no further context about the precise location within a site. Of course, modern excavations will have this level of detail, and the ARIADNE implementation of the CRMarchaeo extension is fully capable of exploiting this fine granularity. Our use cases are much simpler, and many coin findspots follow a relevant pattern. However, some finds databases, such as the Portable Antiquities Scheme, might include more precise latitude and longitude as well as the lowest-level parish URI from Ordnance Survey. I think the ARIADNE-based find model should work for both use cases in Kerameikos and Nomisma.

I have put forth a proposal to the Linked Art community,, which has not yet received any feedback. It includes some extensions with the CRMsci and CRMgeo ontologies. This proposal has been offered following the consultation of ARIADNE data specialist, Achille Felicetti through introduction by Holly Wright.

Things to note:

1. An HMO is sci:O19i_was_object_found_by an S19_Encounter_Event. This Encounter might involve individual agents, techniques (metal detecting, as defined in the English Heritage FISH taxonomy), and a place.

2. The place might have known geographic coordinates, but may not. This place might have additional context expressed by P2_has_type (e.g., a tomb, expressed by a Getty AAT URI). A findspot should always point to a parent place defined by a gazetteer URI. A findspot for a vase might be somewhere within Vulci, but is never Vulci directly.

3. I have decided to insert a second RDF class for the crmgeo:SP5_Geometric_Place_Expression that encapsulates the WKT coordinates associated with a E53_Place: This opens the door to splitting the WKT point into geo:lat and geo:long properties, which are much more widely used within the broader LOD ecosystem than the CRMgeo extension. This means the E53_Place has two properties pointing to the same SpatialThing node, a geo:location and a crm:P168_place_is_defined_by, meaning the model remains conformant to CIDOC CRM.

As discussed above, the JSON-LD harvesting workflow will normalize this gazetteer URI to a Wikidata Q entity, extracting skos:exactMatches, coordinates, and modern geographic hierarchy and ingest these into the Kerameikos SPARQL endpoint for query and visualization.

A getFindspots API has been implemented in Kerameikos, e.g.,, which yields GeoJSON serialized from a SPARQL query that gets all of the unique findspots for a particular concept.

Geographic distribution of stamnoi.

A stamnos from Newfields is the first object in with a findspot (Vulci).

Due to the inherent hierarchy extracted from Wikidata, it is possible to query all vases found in the country of Italy, for example:

SELECT ?object ?title WHERE {  
  ?object crmsci:O19i_was_object_found_by ?encounter ;
          crm:P1_is_identified_by ?id .
  ?id crm:P2_has_type <> ;
      crm:P190_has_symbolic_content ?title .
  ?encounter a crmsci:S19_Encounter_Event ;
               crm:P7_took_place_at/crm:P89_falls_within+ <>

This advancement is the tip of the iceberg for what's possible once we begin to aggregate a larger corpus of materials with archaeological context.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Slides for and the Linked Art showcase at the Victoria & Albert Museum

Next week I will be heading to Oxford for the AHRC-funded face-to-face meeting for the Linked Art scientific committee. On Tuesday is a showcase workshop at the Victoria & Albert Museum that I sadly cannot attend, but I have put together a small slideshow with notes that I think Sami Norling from the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields will read (since the Linked Art JSON-LD harvester is built around test examples from the IMA). The slides are as follows: is an international project that seeks to define the intellectual concepts of ceramics studies following the principles of Linked Open Data. This phase of the project is funded by the US National Endowment for the Humanities and is focused primarily on creating URIs for Archaic and Classical Greek pottery concepts, which includes authoring definitions for shapes, artists, techniques, production places, etc. and linking them to equivalent entries in other LOD thesauri, such as the Getty and British Museum vocabularies and the Pleiades Gazetteerof Ancient Places. We are also aggregating vase data from partner collections as a proof of concept to facilitate new types of query and visualization. The emerging Linked Art community plays a significant role in this process.


The Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields has a small collection of Greek vases that have served as a test case for building a harvester that integrates Linked Art-compliant JSON-LD into Kerameikos' Linked Open Data ecosystem. This vase pictured here in the IMA, represented by a URI, is a particular shape called a stamnos. It was painted by Hermonax, an Athenian artist, in the Red-figure technique in roughly the mid-5th century B.C.

In a test of JSON-LD provided by Sami Norling at the IMA, some minor modifications were made to fill in any gaps in cataloging with the relevant Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus, Union List of Artist Names, and Thesaurus of Geographic Names identifiers. These URIs have equivalencies in and other systems.

The harvesting workflow parses the Linked Art JSON-LD and distills it into the most basic network graph, represented here as RDF/XML conforming to the the underlying Linked Art profile in the CIDOC CRM ontology. The human-readable labels from the JSON, which may be useful to developers working directly with that format of data, are removed, since the preferred labels in English and other languages are already inherent to's own thesaurus data model.

After entering basic metadata about a dataset (in this case, the IMA's collection of Greek vases) and a link to the JSON-LD file on a web server (which will one day be a URL for an API response), the harvester will extract the JSON and process each human-made object into RDF/XML, replacing Getty URIs with Kerameikos ones, when applicable. After this completes, the RDF is published to the SPARQL endpoint. SPARQL is a query language for linked data, and the underlying triple database is the backbone of aggregation in this project, as well as, a similar linked data project for numismatics.

After the workflow completes, the vases will immediately become available in the pages associated with concepts connected to the IMA's vases, for example or This user interface can accommodate multiple jpeg images per vase, as well as IIIF services and several types of 3D models rendered in the 3D Hop library or the Sketchfab viewer.

By means of the relationship between the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names, place identifiers, and the Pleiades Gazetteer of Ancient Places, it is possible to build a transformation process that converts Linked Art RDF into a different RDF data model required by the Pelagios Network. is now a data hub for Pelagios, and currently about 200 Greek vases from 6 partners are available in the Peripleo explorer. This number will grow into the thousands in the coming months and years as the full range of British Museum, Getty, and archaeological pottery are integrated into Kerameikos.

In conclusion, as the Linked Art standard begins to proliferate throughout the museum community, harvesting will be greatly simplified by having one set of APIs and models that can be applied broadly across many museum or archaeological databases, rather than relying on intermediate processes of OpenRefine data cleaning and spreadsheet-to-RDF transformation with one-off programming scripts.

Monday, September 23, 2019

First German translations added to Kerameikos

The first German translations for Greek pottery shapes have been published online through Kerameikos' spreadsheet import mechanism. These translations include preferred labels, alternative labels, and definitions. They were provided by Nicole High-Steskal and Laura Rembart of the Austrian Archaeological Institute. Nicole has recently moved to the Digital Lab at the Image Science department at the Danube University Krems.

DOIs for these intellectual contributions to will be created for Nicole and Laura soon.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Aligning Kerameikos more directly with Linked Art

I have been steadily developing a prototype data harvester that will perform some minor alterations to Linked Art-compliant JSON-LD in the XForms backend in order to ingest museum data into's SPARQL endpoint. I will write more details later as I complete the prototype (it will be ready for demonstration in time for the Linked Art Face to Face meeting in Oxford in two weeks), but in the course of testing the harvest process on some example JSON-LD from the Indianapolis Museum of Art, I have transitioned the Kerameikos RDF data model to adhere more strictly to the Linked Art profile.

The original data model developed for Kerameikos was a simplified CIDOC-CRM based on examples from the British Museum and feedback from Ontotext's Vladimir Alexiev. The focus of the model was to capture properties directly linked to various categories of Kerameikos SKOS concepts (artists, production places, techniques, shapes, etc.), with only a handful of literals encoded more simply in dcterms than the the CRM approach (e.g, for title and accession number, dcterms:title and dcterms:identifier). Several properties and classes were created in a ontology in order to fill gaps in CRM modeling and/or more accurately represent the way in which pottery scholars organize knowledge within their own discipline as opposed to a more general art museum approach. These Kerameikos properties still exist within the hybrid Linked Art data model since a category like "Shape" is more easily and logically connected via a kon:hasShape property rather than creating types of types.

Paging through Indianapolis Museum of Art photos for a vase of Hermonax.

A summary of changes is a follows:
  • Title and Accession number are linked via crm:P1_is_identified_by, which have different classes and types defined by AAT URIs.
  • Static images and IIIF services are Visual Items linked via crm:P138i_has_representation, replacing foaf:depiction. More than one can be accommodated. Thumbnails (foaf:thumbnail) have been tabled until Linked Art develops a stable model for representing more than one size for the same photograph.
  • 3D model links are also crm:P138i_has_representation. The Visual Items are given relevant dcterms:formats.
  • The IIIF manifest is linked as an Information Object with the crm:P138i_has_representation property.
  • The IIIF/3D model updates have resulting in deprecation of the old Europeana Data Model specification.
  • Kerameikos implements the model for dimensions, which are converted to metric in the harvester 

These model changes have necessitated writing a simple XSLT identity transformation to generate new static RDF/XML files our test vase data as well as updates to the underlying SPARQL queries for objects related to SKOS Concepts and the Pelagios data export. Since the new model can accommodate multiple images per vase (with the dcterms:format/dcterms:conformsTo for the Visual Item being necessary to generate UI distinctions for static images vs. IIIF vs. 3D model display in Sketchfab or 3DHop), I switched the queries from SELECT to CONSTRUCT and updated the XSLT to serialize the results to HTML or RDF (for Pelagios) from an RDF/XML model instead of the SPARQL XML response.

CONSTRUCT {?object a crm:E22_Man-Made_Object ;
            dcterms:title ?title ;
            dcterms:identifier ?id ;
            dcterms:publisher ?keeper; 
            crm:P138i_has_representation ?representation ;
            crm:P129i_is_subject_of ?manifest .
          ?representation dcterms:format ?format ;
            dcterms:conformsTo ?conformsTo} WHERE {
?object crm:P1_is_identified_by ?id1 ;
    crm:P1_is_identified_by ?id2 .
?id1 a crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
    crm:P190_has_symbolic_content ?title .
?id2 a crm:E42_Identifier ;
    crm:P190_has_symbolic_content ?id .
OPTIONAL {?object crm:P50_has_current_keeper/skos:prefLabel ?keeper .
    FILTER (langMatches(lang(?keeper), "en"))} 
OPTIONAL {?object crm:P138i_has_representation ?representation
    OPTIONAL {?representation dcterms:format ?format}
    OPTIONAL {?representation dcterms:conformsTo ?conformsTo}}
OPTIONAL {?object crm:P129i_is_subject_of ?manifest}

Friday, September 6, 2019

Kerameikos is now a functioning Pelagios Network hub

As per the specifications we outlined in our National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Humanities Advancement Grant application, is now a functioning data hub for the Pelagios Network. Like, objects aggregated into the Kerameikos SPARQL endpoint can be outputted into the Pelagios Open Annotated-based RDF model with a SPARQL query response that is piped through XSLT into RDF/XML. The export model includes some references to IIIF services for a few vases from Harvard Art Museums (as a proof of concept).

While there are over 300 vases in the Kerameikos SPARQL endpoint at the moment, the export includes just under 200 objects that are currently connected to Pleiades URIs through skos:exactMatch with Kerameikos place URIs. In our initial prototype from 2014, a few dozen vases from the Getty Museum were encoded in Getty TGN URIs and British Museum vases were linked to the BM's internal place thesaurus. Using Kerameikos as a bridge between vocabulary systems, the SPARQL query for the Pelagios output includes all vases linked directly to a Kerameikos URI as a production place (?object crm:P108i_was_produced_by/crm:P7_took_place_at ?place) as well as vases linked to any URI that is a skos:exactMatch for a Kerameikos URI. The Pleiades URI is then extracted into the ?match variable.

Coverage of Kerameikos partners in Peripleo.

?object crm:P108i_was_produced_by/crm:P7_took_place_at ?place .
{?place skos:exactMatch ?match FILTER strStarts(str(?match), "https://pleiades")}
UNION {?place^skos:exactMatch ?kid .
  ?kid skos:inScheme kid: ;
       skos:exactMatch ?match FILTER strStarts(str(?match), "https://pleiades")}

The partners whose vases have been integrated into Peripleo include the British Museum, Getty Museum, Ure Museum at the University of Reading, Fralin Museum at the University of Virginia, Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields, and the Harvard Art Museums. We expect the list of contributors to grow as more museums and archaeological datasets become part of the Kerameikos Linked Open Data cloud as as we begin to expand our geographic coverage (which is extremely limited at the moment, with URIs created for only a small handful of places).

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Indianapolis Museum of Art vases integrated into Kerameikos

Approximately a dozen Greek vases from the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields have been integrated into the ceramics Linked Open Data cloud in the SPARQL endpoint. The list of vases can be seen at the Kerameikos URI for Newfields (, as well as on the concept pages related to these vases.

Newfields is a partner of the Linked Art community that is working to define standard CIDOC-CRM / JSON-LD models and APIs for cultural heritage data exchange. The prototype JSON-LD data export for these vases will serve as a test-case for building a Linked Art harvester to transform vase data into a more simplified graph of CIDOC-CRM fully integrated with Kerameikos URIs (by automatically reconciling Getty vocabularies upon harvest). This software development work, facilitated by our grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, will open the door to harvesting data from a growing number of museums as they begin to implement Linked Art APIs.

The data for this initial import were provided by Sami Norling at Newfields in the form of CSV, which was reconciled with OpenRefine to URIs. A wrote a simple script to transform this URI-embedded CSV into a simplified CIDOC-CRM RDF model that includes only the essential information for basic query and visualization within the Kerameikos platform..

Monday, March 25, 2019

More DOIs minted for the intellectual contributions to Kerameikos

Sherry Lake at the University of Virginia Library minted four new DOIs for the intellectual contributions made by four editors to the recent batch of Greek pottery shapes published last Thursday. Prior to now, only one DOI had been minted (for myself -- click the link for technical details about SPARQL -> DataCite XML), based on the IDs manually edited for our initial prototype, which launched in 2014. These recent four are derived from the spreadsheet import mechanism, where we have adapted the Provenance Ontology model for linking editors to Google Spreadsheets uploaded into the system and transformed into RDF.

We expect to issue several more DOIs in the next few weeks for collaborators working on German and Greek translations to shapes labels and definitions.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Archaic and Classical Greek shapes published to Kerameikos

About 120 shapes have been created or updated in through the spreadsheet import mechanism that transforms Google spreadsheets into SKOS-based RDF following the same principles in

These new concepts were initially derived from a CSV download of shapes available in the Beazley Archive Pottery Database at Oxford University. After some initial cleanup to remove items we decided were not in-scope for this phase of the project (Archaic and Classical Greek concepts) or represented vase fragments rather than distinct intellectual concepts, the spreadsheet went through a round of OpenRefine reconciliation in order to link these new Kerameikos URIs to as many Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus, British Museum, and Wikidata URIs as possible. Additionally, we included the Greek plural (with the lexinfo ontology), when applicable. The shapes are linked hierarchically with skos:broader.

Nearly all of the shapes should have at least one reference to a Zenon bibliographic URI, the catalog of the German Archaeological Institute. Some extremely rare shapes may have several Zenon references.

The definitions were authored by UVA Classical Archaeology graduate students, Abigail Bradford and Najee Olya.

I will be requesting the DataCite metadata to be submitted by the University of Virginia Library tomorrow in order to mint DOIs for each editor's contribution.

We hope to be able to publish these shapes with German and Greek preferred labels and definitions soon!

This is the first of many major Concept updates to be posted over the next 6-12 months during the course of our NEH-funded Linked Open Data project.

Kerameikos hosted by UVA's IATH

This is older news now, but several months after the award of our NEH grant for Kerameikos, we migrated the project from my personal Rackspace cloud server (where I paid out of pocket to keep the project afloat for more than four years) to a Virtual Machine hosted by the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH), a digital humanities center at the University of Virginia. This is an important move for the project, much like receiving the grant, that will stabilize the project at an official institutional home at UVA.

Many thanks to Worthy Martin and Shayne Brandon at IATH for making this possible.

We also have a logo! It was designed by Lauren Massari at IATH based on a prototype by Renee derived from the Met's column krater by Lydos.

Friday, January 18, 2019

First DOI minted for scholarly contribution to

Following some very recent updates in with respect to connecting editors to the concepts they have created or updated, I have copied and pasted all of the code from the Nomisma framework into Kerameikos. Formally, Kerameikos has seven editors, although only my profile has been connected to concepts that already exist in the system (most of which were created in 2014 before our initial demonstration at Computer Applications in Archaeology in Paris [see this paper]).

In collaboration with Sherry Lake from the University of Virginia Library, the first DOI has been minted to point to the list of spreadsheets and IDs I have contributed to Kerameikos. As I said in the Nomisma blog post I wrote earlier today: data constitute an enormous body of collective intellectual effort, and it's increasingly important that scholarly digital works receive equal weight as traditional publications. Therefore, the creation of DOIs for Nomisma contributions would appear in the scholarly profile in ORCID. Just recently, the AIA issued updated guidelines for the considerations of tenure and promotion, with specific guidelines for the recognition of digital projects, and so our goal of formalizing this recognition within Nomisma keeps us on the cutting edge with respect modern modes of scholarly communication.

The same obviously applies for this project as well. So we have now achieved in Kerameikos what I hope to in Nomisma in the near future. After having minted the DOI through DataCite, this publication metadata has propagated in several ways:

Datacite Search:

My ORCID profile:

Access to machine readable data through content negotiation:

curl -i -L -H "Accept: text/turtle"

@prefix schema: <> .
<> a schema:Dataset;
   schema:author <>;
   schema:dateModified "2017-06-21"^^schema:Date;
   schema:datePublished "2014"^^schema:Date;
   schema:description """Contributions of Ethan Gruber to 
                These represent any SKOS Concepts (RDF) created or 
                updated by this editor, by means of batch uploaded
                through Google Sheets or manual editing in the back-end.""";
   schema:identifier [
     a schema:PropertyValue;
     schema:value ""
   ],  [
     a schema:PropertyValue;
     schema:value ""
   schema:inLanguage "en";
   schema:license <>;
   schema:name "Contributions of Ethan Gruber to";
   schema:provider [
     a schema:Organization;
     schema:name "DataCite"
   schema:publisher [
     a schema:Organization;
     schema:name "University of Virginia"
   schema:schemaVersion <>;
   schema:url <> .

<> a schema:Person;
   schema:familyName "Gruber";
   schema:givenName "Ethan";
   schema:name "Ethan Gruber" .

Many thanks to the UVA Library for supporting us in this, as we are now officially a University of Virginia project since having been awarded an NEH Digital Humanities Advancement Grant last August.